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Rhinoplasty in Dubai – Nose Job

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that reshapes or adjusts the structure of the nose for aesthetic or functional purposes. The treatment typically involves the modification of the nose’s cartilage and bone, and in some cases, the skin, tailored to meet the individual’s aesthetic goals and functional requirements.

rhinoplasty in dubai

Types of Rhinoplasty

The two fundamental classifications of rhinoplasty are as follows:

  • Primary rhinoplasty: This refers to the first surgical procedure performed on a patient’s nose for reshaping or functional improvement. It is the most common type of nose surgery, typically performed to improve the nose’s appearance, address structural problems, or improve airflow.
  • Revision rhinoplasty: This is performed on patients who have previously undergone rhinoplasty but seek further improvements or need to address complications from earlier surgeries. Revision nose job is often more challenging than primary and requires a surgeon with specialized skills and experience.

It can also be classified as closed or open rhinoplasty.

  • Closed rhinoplasty: This approach is primarily used for aesthetic modifications of the nose, though it can also address certain functional issues without external incisions. It involves incisions inside the nostrils to access nasal structures to be modified to improve the nose’s appearance. Through this procedure, your surgeon may shorten your nose or reduce the dorsal hump.
  • Open rhinoplasty: This approach is used for more complex cases where both cosmetic and functional issues of the nose need to be addressed, offering more extensive access to nasal structures. This procedure involves an incision on the columella, exposing more of the nasal structure. Open surgery is often more complex than closed due to the greater exposure and accessibility of nasal structures.

Who Is The Ideal Candidate For Rhinoplasty?

It may be required for anyone looking to improve the shape or function of their nose. However, other criteria, such as the following, must be considered to establish candidacy for the procedure.

  • Should be in good overall health and free from any medical conditions that could impair healing or increase surgical risks.
  • Your facial growth should be complete before undergoing a nose job.
  • It’s crucial to stop smoking for a prescribed duration before and after the procedure, as smoking can significantly impair healing and increase the risk of complications.
  • Your expectations about the procedure are realistic.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Nose job in Dubai offers several benefits, some of which are as follows:

  • Improved appearance.
  • Improved nasal breathing.
  • Effective repair and reconstruction of a fractured or broken nose, restoring both function and appearance.
  • Potential improvement in certain sinus-related issues.
  • Potential reduction in snoring.

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Pre-op guidelines can be specific to your treatment requirements. However, top rhinoplasty surgeons in Dubai agree that some standard guidelines must be followed to minimize treatment risks and prevent complications. Those guidelines are as follows:

  • Eat foods that have a positive impact on your digestive health and adhere to any specific exercise restrictions advised by your surgeon in the weeks leading up to the surgery.
  • Prepare cold compresses ahead of time to help manage swelling post-surgery. Having ice packs at home can help manage swelling post-surgery.
  • Avoid using certain medications for two weeks before surgery. Generally, you will be advised to stop taking NSAIDs, aspirin, vitamin E, and herbal supplements.
  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks before the treatment. Smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. This affects wound healing, potentially causing problems during the recovery after rhinoplasty.
  • You will likely not be able to drive back home after your surgery. Therefore, asking someone from your family or friends’ circle for assistance is a good idea.


Rhinoplasty in Dubai is performed in a surgical setting under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The kind of anesthesia depends on the complexity of the procedure or the patient’s preferences.

The surgeon will begin the procedure once the patient is under effective anesthesia, ensuring comfort and safety throughout the surgery. They may make an incision in the base of the nose between the nostrils (open rhinoplasty) or inside the nose (closed rhinoplasty). This incision makes the nose’s bone, cartilage, and other underlying tissues accessible.

In cases requiring additional support, grafts may be harvested from the patient’s own body, typically from the ear, rib, or septum, depending on the specific needs of the reconstruction. For instance, cartilage from the septum or ear can be used for minor changes or restructuring. For more significant changes, bone, cartilage, or other tissues may be harvested from areas such as the rib, ear, or temporalis fascia.

The surgeon may trim or reshape excess tissues in the nose to improve its alignment or change its profile. One typical example is the Dorsal Hump Reduction, during which the extra bone and cartilage are shaven. This procedure straightens the nose bridge, improving the appearance.

The surgeon will close the incisions using sutures once the required changes have been made. They will apply bandages to the treated area to prevent bleeding and infection.


Postoperative swelling is a common occurrence and can persist for several weeks to months, with gradual diminishment over time. While initial recovery from rhinoplasty is relatively quick, the full recovery and final results can take up to a year, as the nose gradually settles into its new shape and residual swelling subsides.

Post-Op Care

Following the post-op guidelines will ensure a smoother recovery and help you get the desired results. Some of those guidelines are as follows:

  • It’s recommended to sleep with your head elevated during the first few days post-surgery to minimize swelling and reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • Refrain from strenuous physical activities for the duration recommended by your surgeon post-surgery to ensure proper healing and avoid complications.
  • Bathe instead of taking a shower until the bandages are taken off.
  • Avoid blowing your nose.
  • Adopt dietary and lifestyle measures to prevent constipation, as straining can increase the risk of bleeding and impact recovery.
  • More importantly, follow specific guidelines from your surgeon diligently to avoid any trouble.

Before & After

We do not give any guarantee, as the results vary from one person to another.

What Are The Risks Of Rhinoplasty?

The most common risks associated with rhinoplasty are bleeding, swelling, and discomfort, which subside after some time. While significant swelling may temporarily affect nasal breathing, it is uncommon for it to cause complete airway obstruction. However, any concerns about breathing should be immediately addressed with the surgeon. Normal breathing through the nose should gradually return as the swelling subsides. Rare complications can include adverse reactions to anesthesia or infection.

Remember, the post-op risk will be minimal if you get the surgery from a skilled surgeon.

Cost of Rhinoplasty

The starting cost of Rhinoplasty in Dubai averages around AED 25,000. The exact price of the treatment may vary from case to case, depending on the following factors:

  • Type of rhinoplasty recommended
  • The degree of correction required and whether the correction is needed to improve the aesthetics only or address the functional problems as well
  • The ENT surgeon’s expertise
  • The clinic’s geographic location and reputation

Rhinoplasty FAQs

Is rhinoplasty safe?

Yes, rhinoplasty is generally considered a safe procedure, but like all surgeries, it carries certain risks. It's important to discuss these with your surgeon.

How long does it take to recover after rhinoplasty?

The recovery period of rhinoplasty is short. It requires one week to feel normal after the surgery. You might experience swelling around the nose, eyes, and cheeks during the recovery, but it will subside within two weeks. Your surgeon will recommend using cold compresses to reduce the swelling.

Are the results permanent?

The results of rhinoplasty are generally permanent, but natural aging processes may slightly alter the appearance of the nose over time. Regular follow-up visits may be necessary for up to a year post-surgery to monitor the healing process and the final shaping of the nose.

How soon do the results appear after the surgery?

You will start observing results two weeks after the surgery once the swelling and bruising subside and nose details become clear. But, the final results of nose surgery may take up to 12 months to become fully apparent as the nose settles into its new shape. During this time, gradual changes in the nose shape will continue to occur until the shape is permanently established.

Our Surgeons 

Dr. Francesco Russo
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
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